Here are the weekly rides that are offered by SSVC:
Sunday Social
Day | Sunday |
Time | 9am, can be 9:30am over the winter months. |
Start/End | The Blue Bell pub car park, Long Street, Stoney Stanton |
Distance | 35 to 55 miles |
Speed | Social pace, typically 15mph, may differ to suit attendees |
The Sunday Social is the original weekly club ride, the heart of our club. Each week a cafe and route are selected and posted as an event on the club’s Facebook group. Members all meet shortly before 9am at the Blue Bell pub car park in Stoney Stanton. Keep an eye on the Facebook event posting as the start time is sometimes later during winter to allow any frost to melt. The route is usually between 35 and 55 miles, depending on the time of year, with the cafe stop typically being about halfway around the route. This is a steady social ride where the speed is around 15mph, but is determined on the day by who rides, such that no one gets dropped and left to ride on their own. Depending on numbers, there may be multiple groups that ride at different speeds.
Women’s Rides
Day | Every other Saturday |
Time | 9am |
Start/End | The Blue Bell pub car park, Long Street, Stoney Stanton |
Distance | Around 40 miles |
Speed | Social pace, typically 13-14mph |
Getting 2023 off to a great start, we have a new Women’s ride taking place every fortnight! This is a great chance to meet like-minded women on a cafe-stop ride. Distance is around 40 miles, with a pace of 13-14 mph and ensuring no one gets dropped. As always, check the Facebook group for details.
Saturday Social
Day | Saturday |
Time | 9:30am |
Start/End | The Blue Bell pub car park, Long Street, Stoney Stanton |
Distance | Around 35 miles |
Speed | Social pace, around 14mph |
Similar to the Sunday Social, there is often, but not always, a Saturday Social ride. This ride is generally shorter and a little slower-paced than the Sunday ride and has a cafe stop en route. As with the Sunday rides, no one gets dropped. Keep an eye out on the Facebook group for these rides.
Wednesday Knightriders
Day | Wednesdays, late March to late October |
Time | 6:30pm |
Start/End | The Blue Bell pub car park, Long Street, Stoney Stanton |
Distance | Around 35 miles |
Speed | Typically 2 to 3 groups to suit attendees, 14mph upwards |
Wednesday evening is Knightriders evening! This is a great chance to get out for a midweek ride after work. Meeting at 6.30pm at the Blue Bell pub car Park in Stoney Stanton, the group rides around 35 miles depending on the time of year. This is a non-stop ride, with no cafes to be found! As with almost all SSVC group rides this is a no-drop ride. There are usually enough riders to form 2 good-sized groups, one of them often faster than the other giving a nice choice. As always, keep an eye on the Facebook group for details of each ride and route.
Wednesday Knightrider – Zwift Ride
Day | Wednesdays, late October to late March |
Time | 7pm |
Start/End | Your own home! |
Distance | 1 hour ride |
Speed | “Keep together” is activated so the group stays together |
It may be cold and dark during the autumn and winter months but you can still get on a mid-week group ride! Starting at 7pm, this is typically set as a 1 hour group ride. The “keep together” option is enabled for this ride to make sure that no one gets left behind. We have a Discord group for those that would like to chat before/during/after the ride. The “keep together” option means you can each work as hard or as easily as you like and still stay within the group for the duration of the ride. This is a great mid-week ride to help keep your fitness going, making sure you’re ready for spring to arrive.
Other Rides
Particularly during the warmer months, there are often rides posted by members of the club. In the past, we have had Saturday non-stop 50’ish mile training rides, longer 100 miles or more cafe stop rides, and anything in between. Keep an eye out on the Facebook group for these rides, and as a club member, you can always post one of your own for others to join in and enjoy with you. Please take a look at our Ride Planner if you’d like to use one of our predefined routes.